Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017


Nguồn: Internet
I. VOCABULARY: 1- Chào hỏi: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Goodbye, Bye, Good night 2- Tính từ chỉ trạng thái: bored, well, happy, OK 3- Nước: Vietnam, England, Japan, America, Australia, China, France, Singapore 4- Quốc tịch: Vietnamese, English, Japanese, American, Australian, Chinese, French, Singaporean 5. Thứ: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6- Tháng: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 7- Số đếm: One Eleven Twenty-one Forty Two Twelve Twenty-two Fifty Three Thirteen Twenty-three Sixty Four Fourteen Twenty-four Seventy Five Fifteen Twenty-five Eighty Six Sixteen Twenty-six Ninety Seven Seventeen Twenty-seven One hundred Eight Eighteen Twenty-eight Nine Nineteen Twenty-nine Ten Twenty Thirty 8- Số thứ tự: First Eleventh Twenty-first Fortieth Second Twelfth Twenty-second Fiftieth Third Thirteenth Twenty-third Sixtieth Fourth Fourteenth Twenty-fourth Seventieth Fifth Fifteenth Twenty-fifth Eightieth Sixth Sixteenth Twenty-sixth Ninetieth Seventh Seventeenth Twenty-seventh One hundredth Eighth Eighteenth Twenty-eighth Ninth Nineteenth Twenty-nineth Tenth Twentieth Thirtieth 9-Động từ: swim, draw, ride(a bike), play, use, dance, run 10- Môn học: Vietnamese, Maths, English, Music, Art, Science, PE(Physical Education), IF(Information Technology), Moral, History, Geography 11-Danh từ: board, painting, clock, cupboard, map, computer, hobby, music, music club, birthday, date, today, piano, badminton, lesson, subject, cake, classmate, village…. 12- Trạng từ: once a week, twice a week, three times a week … 13- Giới từ chỉ vị trí: in, on, at, under, above, in front of, behind 14- Tính từ chỉ hình dáng: tall, short, big, small, strong, weak, slim 15- So sánh hơn của tính từ chỉ hình dáng: taller, shorter, bigger, smaller stronger, weaker, slimmer II. GRAMMAR: We ask We answer 1- How are you? I’m fine, thank you. We are fine, thank you. 2- Where are you from? I’m from Vietnam We are from Vietnam 3- Where is he/she from? He/She is from Vietnam 4- What’s your full name? Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao 5- What’s his/her full name? Tom Green / Mary Brown 6- What’s the date today? It’s the fifth of October 7- When’s your birthday? It’s in May 8- What can you do? I can dance and sing 9- Can you play badminton? Yes, I can / No, I can’t 10- What is your hobby? Dancing / Singing / Swimming / Cooking/ Reading / Skipping / Drawing / Playing chess/ Playing the piano / Listening to music …. 11- Where is Nguyen Nghiem Primary School? It’s in Quang Trung Street 12- What class/grade are you in? I’m in 4C 13- What class/grade is he/she in? He / She is in 4C 14- What lessons have you got today? I’ve got Maths, Art, Science and English 15- What is your favourite subject? English 16- What day is it today? It’s Monday 17-How often have you got English? Four times a week 18- What is it? It’s a new clock 19- What are they? They are benches 20- How many books are there in your schoolbag? Ten books 21- What does he/she look like? He/She is tall and slim 22- Who is taller? Nam is taller

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